Insurance Management

When your employees are moving to a new location, how can you manage the risks while optimising costs and coverage?

Choose an insurance management solution that adapts to each move

When moving to a new location, there’s always a risk that your employees’ belongings can be lost or damaged through transport or handling. Organisations protect themselves by taking out insurance coverage, proposed by moving firms.

Unfortunately, these guarantees are not always adapted to the specific set of circumstances, and often lead to unnecessary additional costs.

Every move is different. They don’t all need the same protection.

The distance travelled, the mode of transport and the variation in weather and climate between locations can affect insurance premiums.

This is compounded by the fact that there is often little room to manoeuvre when negotiating with a moving company as their insurance fees are often presented as a fixed rate.

Move Management

As an insurance broker, we negotiate the cost of insurance cover directly with the insurance companies. We select the most appropriate coverage for your organisation according to the real risk of each move. Our Insurance Management service enables you to obtain the most comprehensive, tailored coverage at the most competitive prices on the market

Our Insurance Management service enables you to obtain the most comprehensive, tailored coverage at the most competitive prices on the market

Comprehensive insurance management

Covering removal insurance, in-transit storage insurance, long-term furniture storage insurance, comprehensive home insurance, vacant property insurance and civil liability: our insurance management offer encompasses all you need for effective cover.

Our Insurance Management offer is a continuation of our Move Management offering.

Decision-making tools

One of the best ways to gauge the quality of a removal service is to scrutinise accident rates.

We’ve developed a proprietary tool to regularly evaluate the quality of removals, and we’ll give you full access to this data to help you make the right decision for your future tenders. We’ll then help you select from a pool of the best possible removal firms.

Find our other decision support tools in our Corporate Services offer.

Performance management

Because we acquire insurance policies directly from providers, we can demonstrate real-time performance of their insurance policies to you. We have created a cross-checking tool which enables us to offer the best possible insurance coverage and help reduce any potential increases in your policy rates.

Helping you evaluate your risk

We ensure you can accurately anticipate the risks before your employees depart and determine the real risk level by evaluating each individual move. After running a diagnosis, we’ll put together an international coverage insurance package with fully negotiated premiums and guarantees that meet the exact needs of every move.

Keep your costs and stress levels down

International moves tend to come with certain level of risk in terms of damage to items, delays and potential mistakes by human error. If your employees’ belongings suffer any damage, our teams will work with the insurers over the course of the entire compensation process, enabling them to focus on their assignment without being distracted.

An added benefit to MRS’ insurance management offer is that we guarantee stabilised insurance costs, thanks to our low overall incident rate.

Our Insurance Management offer provides:

  • Negotiations on your behalf to ensure the lowest fees on the market

  • Incident rates three to four times lower than the removal industry standard, achieved by tracking accident rates and analysing comparative performance

  • Quick and easy file submissions: employees can take out insurance coverage in five minutes, using our simplified submission service

Dedicated insurance management professionals
Keep your costs down
Remove the stress from your employees
MRS: your insurance management partner